
River Road Bass Club Rules 

  1. It is against state law to consume any alcohol or drugs while on state or public waters in a watercraft of any time.  No Alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs allowed in any boat during tournament hours. 
  2. Any violations by any member to the state water patrol laws is the responsibility of the member only and will not involve the club.   (I.E. Life jackets, fire extinguishers, no wake, and HP etc) Know the law and abide for your safety. Club is not responsible for launch fees. 
  3. Safety is number 1 in this club, in the event of bad weather the president or treasure will call the shots as to start time or call off the tournament. No discussion unless asked for. No fish is worth a human life regardless. 
  4. Equipment breakdown. Once you pay your tournament fees no money is refunded regardless of the situation. Equipment is each person's responsibility. 
  5. Anyone showing up late is to make contact with any remember who is on the lake. That member is to check boat and take fees, your are now in the tournament. (3rd shift people remember).  Note: Repeated tardiness- 3 times out of 5 tournaments will place that person out of fishing. The 3rd occurrence of 5 total even if your money has been accepted. No Refunds. Treasurer to track all tardiness.
  6. Dead fish are eligible to weigh in provided they are not frozen or damaged (IE. Cut up, Mashed, ripped or discolored.)  Weigh in officials to make the call. Final 
  7. Unless Specified by the lake there is a total of six fish eligible per person and twelve per team that be weighed in per tournament.
  8. Each Tournament  two member to measure and weigh in all fish. Treasurer to record. Weigh in officials to be appointed at start of each tournament. 
  9. Boat Checker per schedule as outlined in advance with back up. 
  10. Pay Off: see schedule of boats.
  11. Treasurer to record, Track and report at the start of each tournament the standings for each fisherman and per team. 
  12. If you  as a member are disgruntled for any reason, put your complaint in writing and submit to the president in a sealed envelope. The complaint will be addressed. If problem cannot be resolved the club will all vote at the next tournament. 
  13. All new members must pay their dues to any club officer forty-eight hours prior to the tournament to fish. No exceptions. 
  14. Any and all grievances concerning Cheating, Illegal fish or any rule being violated will be dealt with at that time.  It will be ruled on by the president and the club members present at the time. Their decision will be final. No further discussion permitted unless the decision involves members voting on continued membership if the person in question, that is to be handled at the next scheduled tournament with no more discussion until the tournament. 
  15. In the event of no legal fish being caught, all the money goes to the club fund. 
  16. A 3rd person in the boat, in the event of the 3rd person (being a minor 16 and under) due to lack of a baby sitter will be acceptable provided the 3rd party does not fish at any time. Members honesty is taken, the 3rd person cannot be a member. 
  17. No members will fish from the bank under any conditions.You float or your out of that tournament. 
  18. All lakes and times within the guidelines are to be voted on by members only. 
  19. Roll call of members will be called at each meeting. 
  20. All votes concerning a club members standing will be by Secret ballot. 
  21. Minuets and treasures report is to be detailed at each meeting. 
  22. Club Banking accounts to be set up to require two signatures that of the president and treasurer.
  23. Treasurer to pick up and pay for all trophies with the presidents signature on all the checks issued by treasurer. 
  24. In the event of any officer resigning, club members will vote a new officer to fill that opening at the next tournament in the presence if members at that tournament. 
  25. No officer shall hold that one position at any given time. 
  26. Any officer that resigns must do so in writing to the president of this club or it is unofficial . 
  27. In the event a member quits, resigns or is voted out for rule violations. The president will call all the members for a yes or no vote to allow that member back in. The president will show vote totals to treasurer and report to all members if that person is allowed back in. 
  28. All tournament will not exceed six(6) hours in length unless voted on prior to tournaments by members (two day tournaments only).
  29. All jackets ordered must be paid for at the time the request is made. No Exceptions.
  30. Fisherman of the year will be awarded to one boat only using the highest combined weight of two members of that boat. in the event any member fishing outside his or her boat or original team the total weight for that tournament to be split 50/50 between them to take back to the weight tally.
  31. Initial memberships dues ($25.00 each) must be paid by forty eight (48) hours prior to first tournament. no exceptions. to be eligible to vote on tournament schedule, membership dues must be paid.
  32. Anyone late at the close of tournament: two boats appointed will go look for the late boat. If late boat has trouble or hung up, it will be allowed to weigh-in. Late boat due to fishing or late start to dock will not be allowed to weigh in. Senior officer will appoint boats. 
  33. No fishing on scheduled lake forty  eight (48) hours prior to tournament. 
  34. The president will vote only in the event of a tie vote on any issue. 
  35. Two day tournament will be voted on as to lakes, times and Brackets. 
  36. Two places for trophies will be awarded. Money will follow preset schedule as to number of boats.
  37. No food, launching or fees of any type to be paid out of club fund unless voted on by membership prior to date at regular meeting as scheduled.
  38. Final meeting of the year will decide what is done with balance of club funds by vote. options must be presented by motion and seconded to get a vote. All valid motions welcomed. 
  40. In the event that you must leave early you can leave your fish with another tournament boat. 
  41. Largest bass of the year award with be Plaque - $50.00
  42. All tournament will be run as catch and release  with exception of a trophy fish. dead fish will not be discarded. trophy fish will be 5-- Lb large mouth and 3--Lb small mouth.